Skin to Soul Holistic Massage and Wellness
-An Integrative Approach to Bodywork and Wellness-
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Skin to Soul Holistic Massage and Wellness
-An Integrative Approach to Bodywork and Wellness-
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Skin to Soul Holistic Massage and Wellness
-An Integrative Approach to Bodywork and Wellness-
Charitable Work and Donations
Alana has raised thousands of dollars since 2016 to help support Destiny Garden School (DGS), a primary school in Mtongwe, Kenya. These funds go directly toward costs of purchasing school supplies, special projects, school lunches, building expansions, access to clean water, and more. Alana also sponsors one specific student's education, and has acquired many other student sponsorships that enable these students in a very poor area on the outskirts of Mombasa, to receive their education. Education is incredibly important to rise up and out of poverity and to make advances in life.
Alana is quite passionate about the fundraising she does for Destiny Garden School, and would be happy to chat with you about the many ways you can help the school continue to grow and meet the needs of the hundreds of students who attend, who would not be able to afford the necessary supplies and uniforms without sponsorship. To learn more, please visit Destiny Garden School and Destiny Children, the chartiable organization in the UK that handles all of the funds for DGS. You can also email Alana at skintosoul@gmail.com for more information. She is presently working on acquiring funding for some play equipment for the school.
Over the 15 years that Skin to Soul Holistic Massage and Wellness has existed, Alana has supported many local non-profits and schools and the important work they do through donations to silent auctions, direct fundraising efforts, monetary donations, and attending local events and fundraisers. These organizations include, and are not limited to: CMC Mini College, Literacy Outreach, Highwater Farm, Corks and Kegs, Two Rivers Community School, Advocate Safehouse Project, Casa of the 9th, Early Childhood Network, River Center, KDNK, and Great Expectations.
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